% Arabica

% Arabica is a famous coffee shop founded here in Kyoto, Japan. The café is known for serving some of the best and highest quality brews in all of Japan. The coffee itself is a bit on the pricey side, a tall Caffe Latte will set you back 500 yen (approximately $5) , but I promise it’s certainly worth it.

Because of its popularity, be prepared to wait a while to get your coffee; the café is pretty small and the line commonly stretches out the door and down the street. This place is very popular with both locals and tourists alike. The silver lining to waiting in line is that you get to see so many people dressed up in beautiful kimonos of various colors and patterns.

% Arabica is located in a historic part of the city and is surrounded by multiple temples and shrines, including the famous Ninna- ji Temple. Stop by here for a quick coffee break on your next sightseeing tour!


Happy Travels!

xoxo V.L.R.

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